1326 words / 622 cards

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A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

A.D. ad / A.D.
abandon abandon / abundant
abroad broad / abroad
absorb absorb / absurd
abstract abstract / obstruct
absurd absorb / absurd
abundant abandon / abundant
accept accept / except
access access / excess / process / success
accustom custom / accustom
achieve achieve / archive
acknowledge knowledge / acknowledge
across across / cross
ad ad / A.D.
ad ad / add
adapt adapt / adept / adopt
add ad / add
add add / odd
adept adapt / adept / adopt
adjective adjective / objective / subjective
admission admission / permission
adopt adapt / adept / adopt
advantage average / advantage
adversary adversary / adversity
adversity adversary / adversity
advice advice / advise
advise advice / advise
adviser visor / adviser
affair fair / affair
affect affect / effect
agency agent / agency / agenda
agenda agent / agency / agenda
agent agent / agency / agenda
ah ah / sh
ah ah / ha / aha
aha ah / ha / aha
airfare airfare / carfare / fanfare
aisle isle / aisle
ale ale / Yale / yell
alliance alliance / appliance
alliance alliance / reliance
alliance alliance / reliance / appliance / compliance
allow allow / arrow
alphabetic alphabetic / alphabetical
alphabetical alphabetic / alphabetical
altitude altitude / latitude
anger anger / hanger
ankle ankle / uncle
annual annual / manual
Antarctic Arctic / Antarctic
apart part / apart / depart
appliance alliance / appliance
appliance alliance / reliance / appliance / compliance
application apply / application
apply apply / application
archaeology psychology / archaeology / meteorology
archery artery / archery
archive achieve / archive
Arctic Arctic / Antarctic
aroma aroma / asthma
arrow allow / arrow
artery artery / archery
ashore ashore / asshole
asleep sleep / asleep
asshole ashore / asshole
assure assure / ensure / insure
asthma aroma / asthma
astrology astrology / astronomy
astronaut astronaut / astronomer
astronomer astronaut / astronomer
astronomy astrology / astronomy
attempt tempt / attempt / contempt
attend tend / attend / pretend
attendance attendant / attendance
attendant attendant / attendance
attribute tribute / attribute / contribute / distribute
aural aural / oral
avenge avenge / revenge
average average / advantage
awake wake / awake
ax ax / ex / ox

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

back back / buck
backyard lanyard / backyard / dockyard / vineyard
bacteriology biology / virology / bacteriology
bag bag / bug
baguette bucket / bouquet / baguette
bait bait / bite / byte
bald bald / bold
ballet ballet / bullet
bamboo bamboo / bugaboo / peekaboo
ban ban / bun / van
bandage bandage / bondage
bare bare / bear / beer
barn barn / burn
base base / vase
bat bat / but / vat / butt
baton baton / button
batter batter / butter
bawl bawl / bowl
bazaar bazaar / buzzer / bizarre / buzzard
beach beach / beech
bear bare / bear / beer
beech beach / beech
beer bare / bear / beer
began began / vegan
belong belong / belongings
belongings belong / belongings
bend bend / vend
benefit profit / benefit
bent bent / vent
berry bury / berry
beside beside / besides
besides beside / besides
bet bet / vet
beverage beverage / leverage
bi bi / by / bye
biology biology / virology / bacteriology
bite bait / bite / byte
bizarre bazaar / buzzer / bizarre / buzzard
blanket blanket / bracket
blazer blazer / breather
bleach bleach / breach
bleed bleed / breed
blight blight / bright
bloom bloom / broom
blow blow / brow
blower blower / brewer
blues blues / bruise
blush blush / brash / brush
bluster luster / bluster / cluster / fluster
board board / bored
bold bald / bold
bolt bolt / volt
bondage bandage / bondage
bone bone / born / borne
bored board / bored
boring boring / bowling
born bone / born / borne
borne bone / born / borne
borrow borrow / narrow / sorrow
bouquet bucket / bouquet / baguette
bow bow / bow
bow bow / bow
bowel bowl / bowel
bowl bawl / bowl
bowl bowl / bowel
bowling boring / bowling
bracket blanket / bracket
braid braid / bride
brake brake / break
branch branch / brunch
brash blush / brash / brush
breach bleach / breach
break brake / break
breath breath / breathe
breathe breath / breathe
breathe breeze / breathe
breather blazer / breather
breed bleed / breed
breeze breeze / breathe
brewer blower / brewer
bribe bribe / bride
bride braid / bride
bride bribe / bride
bright blight / bright
broad broad / abroad
broom bloom / broom
brow blow / brow
bruise blues / bruise
brunch branch / brunch
brush blush / brash / brush
buck back / buck
bucket bucket / bouquet / baguette
budget budget / gadget / widget
bug bag / bug
bugaboo bamboo / bugaboo / peekaboo
bullet ballet / bullet
bump bump / dump / lump / pump
bumpkin bumpkin / pumpkin
bun ban / bun / van
burn barn / burn
bury bury / berry
bust bust / vast
but bat / but / vat / butt
butt bat / but / vat / butt
butter batter / butter
button baton / button
buzzard bazaar / buzzer / bizarre / buzzard
buzzer bazaar / buzzer / bizarre / buzzard
by bi / by / bye
bye bi / by / bye
byte bait / bite / byte

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

c c / sea / see / she
c c / sit / six / shit
cacao cacao / cocoa
cage cage / gage
calendar calendar / colander
campaign campaign / champagne
cannibal cannibal / carnival
cap cap / cop / cup
care care / cure
career career / carrier
carfare airfare / carfare / fanfare
carnival cannibal / carnival
carrier career / carrier
carry carry / curry
cart cart / carton / cartoon
carton cart / carton / cartoon
cartoon cart / carton / cartoon
carve carve / curve
Caterpillar Caterpillar / caterpillar
caterpillar Caterpillar / caterpillar
caulk cork / caulk
ceiling ceiling / sailing / sealing
celery celery / salary
cell cell / sell
cellar cellar / seller
cent cent / sent / scent
centipede centipede / stampede
cereal cereal / serial
certain certain / curtain
chalk chalk / chock / choke
chamber timber / chamber
champagne campaign / champagne
cheap cheap / cheep
cheat neat / cheat
cheek cheek / chick
cheep cheap / cheep
chestnut walnut / chestnut
chick cheek / chick
chip chip / tip
chock chalk / chock / choke
choke chalk / chock / choke
city city / university
claim claim / climb / crime
clam clam / cram
clap clap / crap / scrap
clash clash / crash / crush
classic classic / classical
classical classic / classical
claw claw / crow
clay clay / claymore
claymore clay / claymore
click click / crick
climb claim / climb / crime
clop clop / crop
close close / close
close close / close
close close / cloth / cross
cloth close / cloth / cross
clothes cloths / clothes / clothing
clothing cloths / clothes / clothing
cloths cloths / clothes / clothing
cloud cloud / crowd
clover clover / crowbar
clown clown / crown
club club / crab
clue clue / crew
cluster luster / bluster / cluster / fluster
co-op coop / co-op
coal coal / coral
coat coat / court
cock cock / cook
cocoa cacao / cocoa
code code / cord
coincidence incidence / coincidence
colander calendar / colander
collage collage / college / courage / colleague
collar color / collar
colleague collage / college / courage / colleague
collect collect / correct
college collage / college / courage / colleague
color color / collar
comb comb / honeycomb
compassion concession / concussion / confession / compassion
complain complain / complaint
complaint complain / complaint
complaint complaint / compliment
complement complement / compliment
compliance alliance / reliance / appliance / compliance
complicated compliment / complicated / comprehend
compliment complaint / compliment
compliment complement / compliment
compliment compliment / complicated / comprehend
compose compose / dispose
composition position / opposition / composition
comprehend compliment / complicated / comprehend
compression depression / expression / impression / compression
concession concession / concussion / confession / compassion
concussion concession / concussion / confession / compassion
condense condense / confidence
condo condo / condom / condor
condom condo / condom / condor
condor condo / condom / condor
confession concession / concussion / confession / compassion
confidence condense / confidence
confirm confirm / conform
conform confirm / conform
conscience science / conscience
consequence sequence / consequence
conservation conservation / conversation
construct contract / contrast / construct
construct instruct / obstruct / construct
contemporary contempt / contemporary
contemporary temporary / contemporary
contempt contempt / contemporary
contempt tempt / attempt / contempt
contend contend / content
content contend / content
contract contract / contrast / construct
contrast contract / contrast / construct
contribute tribute / attribute / contribute / distribute
conversation conservation / conversation
cook cock / cook
coop coop / co-op
cooper cooper / copper
cooperation cooperation / corporation
cop cap / cop / cup
copper cooper / copper
coral coal / coral
coral oral / coral / moral
cord code / cord
cork cork / caulk
corona corona / coroner
coroner corona / coroner
corporation cooperation / corporation
correct collect / correct
correspond respond / correspond
cough cough / dough / rough / tough
council council / counsel
counsel council / counsel
country county / country
county county / country
courage courage / encourage
courage collage / college / courage / colleague
court coat / court
crab club / crab
cram clam / cram
crap clap / crap / scrap
crash clash / crash / crush
crawdad crowded / crawdad
creak creak / creek
creek creak / creek
crew clue / crew
crick click / crick
crime claim / climb / crime
crop clop / crop
cross across / cross
cross close / cloth / cross
crow claw / crow
crowbar clover / crowbar
crowd cloud / crowd
crowded crowded / crawdad
crown clown / crown
crucial cruel / crucial
cruel cruel / crucial
crush clash / crash / crush
cup cap / cop / cup
cure care / cure
curly curly / curry
currency current / currency
current current / currency
curry carry / curry
curry curly / curry
curtain certain / curtain
curve carve / curve
custom custom / accustom

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

daily daily / dairy / diary
dairy daily / dairy / diary
dam dam / damn
damn dam / damn
damp damp / dump
dare dare / dear / deer
dawn dawn / down
dear dare / dear / deer
debit debit / debut
debut debit / debut
decrease decrease / increase
dedicate dedicate / delicate
deer dare / dear / deer
deflection deflection / reflection
degenerate generate / degenerate / regenerate
deliberately delivery / deliberately
delicate dedicate / delicate
delivery delivery / deliberately
depart part / apart / depart
dependence dependence / independence
depression depression / expression / impression / compression
description description / prescription
desert desert / dessert
deserve deserve / reserve / preserve
despise despise / despite
despite despise / despite
dessert desert / dessert
destination destiny / destination
destiny destiny / destination
device device / devise
devise device / devise
devolve evolve / involve / devolve / revolve
dialog log / dialog
diary daily / dairy / diary
die die / dye
digit digit / rigid
diligent diligent / intelligent
diner diner / dining
diner diner / dinner
dining diner / dining
dinner diner / dinner
diploma diploma / diplomat / diplomacy
diplomacy diploma / diplomat / diplomacy
diplomat diploma / diplomat / diplomacy
directly directly / directory
directory directly / directory
disable enable / unable / disable
dispose compose / dispose
dissolve resolve / dissolve
distinguish extinguish / distinguish
distribute tribute / attribute / contribute / distribute
dockyard lanyard / backyard / dockyard / vineyard
document document / documentary / documentation
documentary document / documentary / documentation
documentation document / documentary / documentation
dogma dogma / sigma / enigma / stigma
doodle doodle / needle / noodle / poodle
dose dose / doze
dough cough / dough / rough / tough
down dawn / down
doze dose / doze
doze doze / dozen
dozen doze / dozen
draft draft / draught / drought
drag drag / drug
draught draft / draught / drought
drawn drawn / drone / drown
drone drawn / drone / drown
drought draft / draught / drought
drown drawn / drone / drown
drug drag / drug
dual dual / duel
duel dual / duel
dump bump / dump / lump / pump
dump damp / dump
dusty dusty / nasty / dynasty
dye die / dye
dynasty dusty / nasty / dynasty
dystopia utopia / dystopia

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

economic economy / economic / economical
economical economy / economic / economical
economy economy / economic / economical
effect affect / effect
elect elect / erect
electric electric / electrical / electricity / electronic
electrical electric / electrical / electricity / electronic
electricity electric / electrical / electricity / electronic
electronic electric / electrical / electricity / electronic
embassy embassy / empathy
emigrant emigrant / immigrant
empathy embassy / empathy
empathy empathy / sympathy
empire empire / umpire / vampire
enable enable / unable / disable
encourage courage / encourage
enigma dogma / sigma / enigma / stigma
ensure assure / ensure / insure
epidemic epidemic / pandemic
epilogue epilogue / prologue
equation equator / equation
equator equator / equation
eraser racer / razor / eraser
erect elect / erect
eternal eternal / immortal
every day every day / everyday
everyday every day / everyday
evolution evolution / revolution
evolve evolve / involve / devolve / revolve
ex ax / ex / ox
exceed exceed / proceed / succeed
except except / excerpt
except accept / except
except except / expect
exception exception / expectation
excerpt except / excerpt
excess access / excess / process / success
excursion excursion / execution
excuse excuse …キューズ / excuse
excuse excuse / excuse …キュース
execution excursion / execution
execution execution / extinction
expand expand / extend
expansion expansion / extension
expect except / expect
expectation exception / expectation
expectation expectation / explanation
experience experience / experiment
experiment experience / experiment
expire expire / inspire
explanation expectation / explanation
export export / import
expose expose / impose
expression depression / expression / impression / compression
extend expand / extend
extend extend / intend
extension expansion / extension
extinction execution / extinction
extinguish extinguish / distinguish
extraterrestrial extraterritorial / extraterrestrial
extraterritorial extraterritorial / extraterrestrial

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

faction faction / fiction / function
fade fade / feed
fair fair / affair
fair fair / fare
fairly fairy / fairly
fairy fairy / fairly
false false / fault
fan fan / fun
fancy fancy / funky
fanfare airfare / carfare / fanfare
fanny fanny / funny
far far / fur
fare fair / fare
farewell welfare / farewell
farm farm / firm
fatal fatal / mortal
fault false / fault
favor favor / fever
feed fade / feed
feed feed / peed / seed / weed
fever favor / fever
fiction faction / fiction / function
fill fill / full / fulfill
firm farm / firm
flagrant flagrant / fragrant
flame flame / frame
flash flash / flush
flaw flaw / flow
flawed flawed / flowed
flea flea / flee / free
fleas fleas / flees / fleece / freeze
flee flea / flee / free
fleece fleas / flees / fleece / freeze
flees fleas / flees / fleece / freeze
flesh flesh / fresh
flour flour / flower
flow flaw / flow
flowed flawed / flowed
flower flour / flower
flu flu / flue
flue flu / flue
flush flash / flush
fluster luster / bluster / cluster / fluster
fly fly / fry
flyer flyer / fryer
foam foam / form
folk folk / fork
follow follow / hollow / pillow / shallow
food food / hood
foodie foodie / hoodie
foot foot / hoot
force force / forth / fourth
fork folk / fork
forklift forklift / shoplift
form foam / form
forth force / forth / fourth
fortieth fourth / fourteenth / fortieth
forty four / fourteen / forty
found fund / found
fountain fountain / mountain
four four / fourteen / forty
fourteen four / fourteen / forty
fourteenth fourth / fourteenth / fortieth
fourth force / forth / fourth
fourth fourth / fourteenth / fortieth
fragrant flagrant / fragrant
frame flame / frame
free flea / flee / free
freeze fleas / flees / fleece / freeze
fresh flesh / fresh
friction friction / reflection
frontier frontier / pioneer
fry fly / fry
fryer flyer / fryer
fuel fuel / funeral
fulfill fill / full / fulfill
full fill / full / fulfill
fun fan / fun
function faction / fiction / function
fund fund / found
funeral fuel / funeral
funky fancy / funky
funny fanny / funny
fur far / fur
furry fury / furry
fury fury / furry

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

gadget budget / gadget / widget
gage cage / gage
gain gain / regain
garment garment / gourmet
garter garter / gutter
generate generate / degenerate / regenerate
generic generic / genetic
genes genes / jeans
genetic generic / genetic
gentle gentle / gentleman
gentleman gentle / gentleman
gimmick mimic / gimmick
glass glass / grass
globe grab / globe / glove / grove
gloss gloss / gross
glossary grocery / glossary
glove grab / globe / glove / grove
gorilla gorilla / guerilla
gourmet garment / gourmet
grab grab / globe / glove / grove
grand grand / ground
grass glass / grass
grocery grocery / glossary
groove grove / groove
gross gloss / gross
ground grand / ground
grove grove / groove
grove grab / globe / glove / grove
guerilla gorilla / guerilla
gut gut / nut
gutter garter / gutter


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

ha ah / ha / aha
hair hair / hear / heir
hall hall / hole / whole
ham ham / hum
handcuffs handcuffs / handkerchief
handkerchief handcuffs / handkerchief
hang hang / hung
hangar hanger / hangar / hunger
hanger anger / hanger
hanger hanger / hangar / hunger
hard hard / herd / herb
hat hat / hut
hatchet hatchet / ratchet
hay hay / hey
heal heal / heel
hear hair / hear / heir
heel heal / heel
heir hair / hear / heir
herb hard / herd / herb
herd hard / herd / herb
hesitation hesitation / meditation
hey hay / hey
hijack jack / hijack
historic historic / historical
historical historic / historical
hole hall / hole / whole
hollow follow / hollow / pillow / shallow
holly holy / holly
holy holy / holly
honeycomb comb / honeycomb
hood food / hood
hoodie foodie / hoodie
hoot foot / hoot
horrible horrible / terrible
horse hose / horse
hose hose / horse
hum ham / hum
humor humor / rumor / tumor
hung hang / hung
hunger hanger / hangar / hunger
hut hat / hut

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

identity identity / supremacy / ultimatum
idle idle / idol
idol idle / idol
illiterate imitate / irritate / illiterate / immediate
image image / imagine
imagine image / imagine
imitate imitate / irritate / illiterate / immediate
immediate imitate / irritate / illiterate / immediate
immigrant emigrant / immigrant
immobilize stabilize / immobilize
immortal eternal / immortal
impatience patience / impatience
import export / import
impose expose / impose
impression depression / expression / impression / compression
impulse pulse / impulse
Inc. Inc. / ink
incense incense / intense
incidence incidence / coincidence
incidence incident / incidence
incident incident / incidence
income income / outcome/ overcome
increase decrease / increase
independence dependence / independence
inhabit inhabit / inhibit
inhibit inhabit / inhibit
ink Inc. / ink
innocence sense / innocence
innovation innovation / renovation
inspire expire / inspire
instance instant / instance
instant instant / instance
instruct instruct / obstruct / construct
insure assure / ensure / insure
intelligent diligent / intelligent
intend extend / intend
intense incense / intense
intercept intercept / interpret / interrupt
interpret intercept / interpret / interrupt
interrupt intercept / interpret / interrupt
invade invade / invent / invest / investigate
invent invade / invent / invest / investigate
invest invade / invent / invest / investigate
investigate invade / invent / invest / investigate
involve evolve / involve / devolve / revolve
irritate imitate / irritate / illiterate / immediate
isle isle / aisle
issue issue / tissue

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

jack jack / hijack
jeans genes / jeans
jelly jelly / jewelry
jewel jewel / jewelry
jewelry jelly / jewelry
jewelry jewel / jewelry
jinx jinx / zinc
jinx jinx / lynx / onyx
juggler juggler / jugular
jugular juggler / jugular


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

kit kit / nit / knit
knight night / knight
knit knit / knot
knit kit / nit / knit
knot knit / knot
knowledge knowledge / acknowledge


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

laboratory lavatory / laboratory
lace lace / race / wraith
lack lack / luck / rack
ladder radar / ladder
lag lag / lug / rag / rug
lamp lamp / lump / ramp / rump
lanyard lanyard / backyard / dockyard / vineyard
lap lap / rap / wrap
laser laser / leather
laser laser / razor
lash lash / lush / rash / rush
late late / rate
later later / latter
latitude altitude / latitude
latter later / latter
laugh laugh / rough
launch lunch / launch
lavatory lavatory / laboratory
law law / low / raw / row
lawn lawn / loan / lone
lay lay / ray
leak leak / leap
leap leak / leap
lease lease / wreath
leather laser / leather
leech leech / reach
legal legal / regal
legislation legislation / registration
lend lend / lent / rend / rent
lent lend / lent / rend / rent
level level / lever
lever level / lever
lever lever / liver
leverage beverage / leverage
lice lice / rice
lid lid / rid
lie lie / lie
lie lie / lie
light light / right
lighting lighting / lightning
lightning lighting / lightning
limb rib / rim / limb
link link / rink
lip lip / rip
list list / wrist
liter liter / litter
litter liter / litter
live live / live
live live / live
lively lively / lovely
liver lever / liver
liver liver / river
load load / road / lord
loan lawn / loan / lone
local local / rural
locate locate / rotate
location location / rotation
lock lock / rock
locomotive motive / locomotive
log log / dialog
lone lawn / loan / lone
loose lose / loose / loosen
loosen lose / loose / loosen
lord load / road / lord
lose lose / loose / loosen
louver rover / louver
lovely lively / lovely
low law / low / raw / row
loyal loyal / royal
luck lack / luck / rack
lug lag / lug / rag / rug
lump bump / dump / lump / pump
lump lamp / lump / ramp / rump
lunch lunch / launch
lunge lunge / range
lush lash / lush / rash / rush
luster luster / bluster / cluster / fluster
lynx lynx / lyric
lynx jinx / lynx / onyx
lyric lynx / lyric

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

mad mad / mud
mag mag / mug
magnificent magnificent / significant
major major / measure
mall mall / moll
mansion mansion / pension
manual annual / manual
march march / March / mulch
March march / March / mulch
marry marry / merry
mask mask / musk / mosque
mass mass / math
mass mass / moss
mass mass / mess / miss
massage massage / message
math mass / math
measure major / measure
meat meat / meet
medication medication / meditation
meditation hesitation / meditation
meditation medication / meditation
meet meat / meet
memorial memory / memorial
memory memory / memorial
merry marry / merry
mess mass / mess / miss
message massage / message
meteorology psychology / archaeology / meteorology
mileage mirage / mileage
mill mill / windmill / treadmill
million million / vermilion
mimic mimic / gimmick
miner miner / minor
minor miner / minor
minute minute / minute
minute minute / minute
mirage mirage / mileage
miss mass / mess / miss
Miss Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Miss
moles moles / Morse
moll mall / moll
moose moose / mousse
moral moral / morals
moral oral / coral / moral
morals moral / morals
Morse moles / Morse
mortal fatal / mortal
mortal mortal / mortar
mortar mortal / mortar
mortar motor / mortar
mosque mask / musk / mosque
moss mass / moss
moss moss / moth
moth moss / moth
motive motive / locomotive
motor motor / mortar
mountain fountain / mountain
mouse mouse / mouth
mousse moose / mousse
mouth mouse / mouth
Mr. Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Miss
Mrs. Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Miss
Ms. Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Miss
mud mad / mud
mug mag / mug
mulch march / March / mulch
musk mask / musk / mosque

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

nail nail / snail
narrow borrow / narrow / sorrow
nasty dusty / nasty / dynasty
neat neat / cheat
neat neat / Neet
necklace necklace / reckless
needle doodle / needle / noodle / poodle
Neet neat / Neet
nervous nervous / serious
night night / knight
nit kit / nit / knit
Nobel Nobel / noble / novel
noble Nobel / noble / novel
noodle doodle / needle / noodle / poodle
novel Nobel / noble / novel
nut gut / nut


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

oar oar / ore / owl
object object / objective
object object / subject
objective object / objective
objective adjective / objective / subjective
obstruct abstract / obstruct
obstruct instruct / obstruct / construct
odd add / odd
Okla. Okla. / okra
okra Okla. / okra
onyx jinx / lynx / onyx
opponent oppose / opponent / opposite / opposition
oppose oppose / opponent / opposite / opposition
opposite oppose / opponent / opposite / opposition
opposition oppose / opponent / opposite / opposition
opposition position / opposition / composition
oral aural / oral
oral oral / coral / moral
orchard orchid / orchard
orchid orchid / orchard
ore oar / ore / owl
organisation organisation / organization
organism orgasm / organism / organist
organist orgasm / organism / organist
organization organisation / organization
orgasm orgasm / organism / organist
ornament ornament / tournament
outcome income / outcome/ overcome
outfit outfit / output
output outfit / output
overcome income / outcome/ overcome
owl oar / ore / owl
ox ax / ex / ox


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

pack pack / puck
pail pail / pale
pair pair / pare / pear
pale pail / pale
pale pale / pare
Pampers Pampers / pompous
pandemic epidemic / pandemic
paradox paradox / parallax
parallax paradox / parallax
pare pale / pare
pare pair / pare / pear
parrot pilot / parrot
part part / apart / depart
pass pass / path
patent patent / patient
path pass / path
patience patience / impatience
patience patient / patience
patient patent / patient
patient patient / patience
pause pose / pause
pea pea / pee
peace peace / piece
peak peak / peek
pear pair / pare / pear
pedal pedal / petal
pee pea / pee
peed feed / peed / seed / weed
peek peak / peek
peekaboo bamboo / bugaboo / peekaboo
pension mansion / pension
permission admission / permission
personal personal / personnel
personnel personal / personnel
pestle pestle / pistol
petal pedal / petal
phenomena phenomena / phenomenon
phenomenon phenomena / phenomenon
piece peace / piece
pigeon pigeon / region / religion
pillow follow / hollow / pillow / shallow
pilot pilot / parrot
pinch pinch / punch
pioneer frontier / pioneer
pistol pestle / pistol
plain plain / plane
plane plain / plane
play play / pray / prey
player player / prayer
pleasure pleasure / pleather
pleasure pleasure / treasure
pleather pleasure / pleather
plum plum / pram
poach poach / porch / pouch
poem poem / poet
poet poem / poet
pole pole / poll
poll pole / poll
pompous Pampers / pompous
pond pond / pound
poodle doodle / needle / noodle / poodle
pool pool / poor
poor pool / poor
porch poach / porch / pouch
pose pose / pause
position position / opposition / composition
pouch poach / porch / pouch
pound pond / pound
pram plum / pram
pray play / pray / prey
prayer player / prayer
premier premier / premium / premiere
premiere premier / premium / premiere
premium premier / premium / premiere
prescribe prescribe / subscribe
prescription description / prescription
preservation reservation / preservation
preserve deserve / reserve / preserve
president resident / president
pretend pretend / prevent
pretend tend / attend / pretend
prevent pretend / prevent
prey play / pray / prey
principal principal / principle
principle principal / principle
proceed exceed / proceed / succeed
process process / profess
process access / excess / process / success
profess process / profess
profit profit / benefit
prologue epilogue / prologue
properly properly / property
property properly / property
prophecy prophecy / prophesy
prophesy prophecy / prophesy
protractor tractor / protractor
psychology psychology / archaeology / meteorology
public public / publish
publish public / publish
puck pack / puck
pulse pulse / impulse
pump bump / dump / lump / pump
pumpkin bumpkin / pumpkin
punch pinch / punch

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

qualify qualify / quality
quality qualify / quality
quality quality / quantity
quantity quality / quantity
quiet quiet / quite
quite quiet / quite

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

race lace / race / wraith
racer racer / razor / eraser
rack lack / luck / rack
radar radar / ladder
rag lag / lug / rag / rug
rage rage / range
raise rise / raise
ramble ramble / rumble / scramble
ramp lamp / lump / ramp / rump
range lunge / range
range rage / range
rap lap / rap / wrap
rare rare / rear
rash lash / lush / rash / rush
ratchet hatchet / ratchet
rate late / rate
raw law / low / raw / row
ray lay / ray
razor laser / razor
razor racer / razor / eraser
reach leech / reach
real real / reel
rear rare / rear
receipt recipe / receipt
recipe recipe / receipt
reckless necklace / reckless
reel real / reel
reflection deflection / reflection
reflection friction / reflection
regain gain / regain
regal legal / regal
regard regard / reward
regenerate generate / degenerate / regenerate
region pigeon / region / religion
registration legislation / registration
reliance alliance / reliance
reliance alliance / reliance / appliance / compliance
religion pigeon / region / religion
remainder reminder / remainder
reminder reminder / remainder
rend lend / lent / rend / rent
renovation innovation / renovation
rent lend / lent / rend / rent
repellant repellant / repellent
repellent repellant / repellent
reservation reservation / preservation
reserve deserve / reserve / preserve
residence resident / residence
resident resident / president
resident resident / residence
resign sign / resign
resolution resolution / revolution
resolution solution / resolution
resolve resolve / dissolve
resolve resolve / revolve
resource source / resource
respond respond / correspond
revenge avenge / revenge
revival revival / survival
revive revive / survive
revolution evolution / revolution
revolution resolution / revolution
revolve resolve / revolve
revolve evolve / involve / devolve / revolve
reward regard / reward
rib rib / rim / limb
rice lice / rice
rid lid / rid
right light / right
rigid digit / rigid
rim rib / rim / limb
rink link / rink
rip lip / rip
rise rise / raise
river liver / river
road load / road / lord
rob rob / rub
robber robber / rubber
rock lock / rock
role role / roll
roll role / roll
root root / route
rotate locate / rotate
rotation location / rotation
rough cough / dough / rough / tough
rough laugh / rough
route root / route
route route / routine
routine route / routine
rover rover / louver
row law / low / raw / row
royal loyal / royal
rub rob / rub
rub rub / scrub
rubber robber / rubber
rug lag / lug / rag / rug
rumble ramble / rumble / scramble
rumor humor / rumor / tumor
rump lamp / lump / ramp / rump
runaway runway / runaway
runway runway / runaway
rural local / rural
rush lash / lush / rash / rush

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

sack sack / suck
sailing ceiling / sailing / sealing
salary celery / salary
San… San… / son / sun
sauce sauce / source
saw saw / sew / sow
sawing sawing / sewing / sowing
scalp scalp / scalper
scalper scalp / scalper
scent cent / sent / scent
scheme steam / scheme
science science / conscience
scram scram / scrum
scramble ramble / rumble / scramble
scrap clap / crap / scrap
scrub rub / scrub
scrum scram / scrum
sea c / sea / see / she
sealing ceiling / sailing / sealing
seat seat / sheet
see c / sea / see / she
seed feed / peed / seed / weed
sell cell / sell
seller cellar / seller
sense sense / innocence
sent cent / sent / scent
sequence sequence / consequence
serial cereal / serial
serious nervous / serious
sew saw / sew / sow
sewing sawing / sewing / sowing
sh ah / sh
shallow follow / hollow / pillow / shallow
shatter shatter / shutter
she c / sea / see / she
sheet seat / sheet
shit c / sit / six / shit
shoplift forklift / shoplift
shutter shatter / shutter
sick sick / thick
sigh sigh / thigh
sight site / sight
sigma dogma / sigma / enigma / stigma
sign sign / resign
significant magnificent / significant
sin sin / thin
sit c / sit / six / shit
site site / sight
six c / sit / six / shit
skies skis / skies
skis skis / skies
skull skull / squall
slam slam / slum
slander slander / slender
sled sled / thread
sleep sleep / asleep
slender slander / slender
slum slam / slum
snail nail / snail
sneeze sneeze / snooze / squeeze
snooze sneeze / snooze / squeeze
soap soap / soup
solution solution / resolution
some time some time / sometime / sometimes
sometime some time / sometime / sometimes
sometimes some time / sometime / sometimes
son San… / son / sun
sorrow borrow / narrow / sorrow
soup soap / soup
source sauce / source
source source / resource
sow saw / sew / sow
sowing sawing / sewing / sowing
sparrow sparrow / swallow
spectacular specter / spectator / spectacular
spectator specter / spectator / spectacular
specter specter / spectator / spectacular
spell spell / spelling
spelling spell / spelling
squad squad / squat
squall skull / squall
squat squad / squat
squeeze sneeze / snooze / squeeze
stabilize stabilize / immobilize
stable stable / staple
stack stack / stick / stock / stuck
staff staff / stuff
stain stain / sustain
stair stir / stair / stare
stake stake / steak
stalk stalk / stark / stork
stall stall / stole
stampede centipede / stampede
staple stable / staple
star stir / star
stare stir / stair / stare
stark stalk / stark / stork
stationary stationary / stationery
stationery stationary / stationery
steak stake / steak
steal steal / steel
steam steam / scheme
steel steal / steel
stick stack / stick / stock / stuck
stigma dogma / sigma / enigma / stigma
stir stir / star
stir stir / stair / stare
stock stack / stick / stock / stuck
stole stall / stole
stool tool / stool
stork stalk / stark / stork
stuck stack / stick / stock / stuck
stuff staff / stuff
subject object / subject
subject subject / subjective
subjective subject / subjective
subjective adjective / objective / subjective
subscribe prescribe / subscribe
succeed exceed / proceed / succeed
success access / excess / process / success
suck sack / suck
suit suit / suite
suite suit / suite
sun San… / son / sun
supplement supply / supplement
supply supply / supplement
supremacy identity / supremacy / ultimatum
survival revival / survival
survive revive / survive
sustain stain / sustain
swallow sparrow / swallow
sweat sweat / sweat suit / sweater / sweatshirt
sweat suit sweat / sweat suit / sweater / sweatshirt
sweater sweat / sweat suit / sweater / sweatshirt
sweatshirt sweat / sweat suit / sweater / sweatshirt
switch witch / switch
sympathy empathy / sympathy

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

tail tail / tale
tale tail / tale
tan tan / ton
tear tear ティア/ tear
tear tear / tear テア
temp temp / temper / tempest
temper temp / temper / tempest
tempest temp / temper / tempest
temporary temporary / contemporary
tempt tempt / attempt / contempt
tend tend / attend / pretend
tenderloin tenderloin / Tenderloin
Tenderloin tenderloin / Tenderloin
terrible horrible / terrible
terrific terrific / traffic
thick sick / thick
thigh sigh / thigh
thin sin / thin
thread sled / thread
thread thread / threat
threat thread / threat
timber timber / chamber
tip chip / tip
tissue issue / tissue
toe toe / tow / two
ton ton / tone / tongue
ton tan / ton
tone ton / tone / tongue
tongs tongs / tongues
tongue ton / tone / tongue
tongues tongs / tongues
tool tool / stool
tough cough / dough / rough / tough
tournament ornament / tournament
tow toe / tow / two
towel towel / trowel
track track / truck
tractor tractor / protractor
traffic terrific / traffic
trainee trainee / trainer
trainer trainee / trainer
treadmill mill / windmill / treadmill
treasure pleasure / treasure
triangle tripod / triangle / tricycle
tribute tribute / attribute / contribute / distribute
tricycle tripod / triangle / tricycle
tripod tripod / triangle / tricycle
trousers trousers / tweezers
trowel towel / trowel
truck track / truck
tumor humor / rumor / tumor
Turkey Turkey / turkey
turkey Turkey / turkey
tweezers trousers / tweezers
two toe / tow / two
tycoon tycoon / typhoon
typhoon tycoon / typhoon

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

ultimatum identity / supremacy / ultimatum
umpire empire / umpire / vampire
unable enable / unable / disable
uncle ankle / uncle
unit unit / unite / united
unite unit / unite / united
united unit / unite / united
university city / university
utopia utopia / dystopia

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

vague vague / vogue
vain vain / vein
vampire empire / umpire / vampire
van ban / bun / van
vantage vantage / vintage
variety vary / variety / various
various vary / variety / various
vary vary / variety / various
vary vary / very
vase base / vase
vast bust / vast
vat bat / but / vat / butt
vegan began / vegan
vein vain / vein
vend bend / vend
vent bent / vent
vermilion million / vermilion
very vary / very
vet bet / vet
veteran veteran / veterinarian
veterinarian veteran / veterinarian
vineyard lanyard / backyard / dockyard / vineyard
vintage vantage / vintage
violate violate / violent
violation violence / violation
violence violence / violation
violent violate / violent
virology biology / virology / bacteriology
visor visor / adviser
vogue vague / vogue
volt bolt / volt


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

waist west / waist / waste
wake wake / awake
walk walk / work
walnut walnut / chestnut
wander wander / wonder
ward ward / word
warm warm / worm
waste west / waist / waste
weather weather / whether
weed feed / peed / seed / weed
weigh weigh / weight
weight weigh / weight
welfare welfare / farewell
Well done! well-done / Well done!
well-done well-done / Well done!
west west / waist / waste
whale whale / while / whole
whether weather / whether
while whale / while / whole
whole hall / hole / whole
whole whale / while / whole
widget budget / gadget / widget
winch winch / wrench
wind wind ウィンド / wind
wind wind / wind ワインド
windmill mill / windmill / treadmill
witch witch / switch
wonder wander / wonder
word ward / word
work walk / work
worm warm / worm
worse worse / worth
worth worse / worth
wound wound / wound
wound wound / wound
wraith lace / race / wraith
wrap lap / rap / wrap
wreath lease / wreath
wrench winch / wrench
wrist list / wrist

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z


A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Yale ale / Yale / yell
yell ale / Yale / yell

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

zinc jinx / zinc

622 cards / Dec. 2024

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